Travel Tip: Airport Security

Congratulations, you’re one of the many who have managed to convince yourself to arrive at the airport a full two hours early for your flight (or 2.5 for an international voyage). You’ve waited through the long lines to check in only to find you’re seated in 38F. But here comes perhaps the worst experience in flying… security. This is what you’ve really come early for: to wait in an even longer line while lemming after lemming files through taking precious minutes to remove their shoes, their belts, their watches, spare change, and nearly anything that could possibly be made of a metal or conceal a dangerous weapon such as tweezers. Then… “Bag check!” Well, crap! Now you’ve got to wait for that person to have their bag searched with the only thing keeping your sanity is hoping that some incriminating undergarments will materialize.

Such opportunities happen even to experienced travelers, and not just in security but along the jet walk and even more taxing… customs. But this can be avoided usually knocking up to a half hour of pre-flight, in-airport preparations.
  1. Wear shoes that slip on and off easily, forget sandals, picky inspectors might ask you to remove those too.
  2. Belt, watches, etc… leave them in an easily accessible carry-on pocket until through security.
  3. Just remember to take you’re coat off.
  4. Tweezers usually can make it through; store them with your other mini bag of personals.
  5. Look remotely presentable to avoid the random “terrorist” pull over.
  6. If you are pulled over, make sure that you’re bag was packed in an organized fashion; less suspicion this way.
  7. I know this is a free-be, but be polite and patient. Looking like you’re sassy only keeps you there longer.

Now you’ve made it through security in a much more timely fashion than your nearby citizens. Gloat in this accomplishment. Now go wait at your gait for 45 minutes.

Contributed by Natasha

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