Sk Bum Tricks: Burrito Mecca & Hot Drinks

When one is poor and living on the road it is essential for every skier to have a bag of Bum tricks, to help you get by. FHL presents to you trick #1, an in depth look at the wonderful world of burrito construction and hot beverages.

Convenient stores are your best friend. They have all of the essentials that one needs to survive, be nourished and ski hard: Bathroom, microwave, hot water, coffee, etc. Let’s jump right into a simple example of what you can accomplish on your trip to the mini mart.

Burritos: Before you left your home town, you should have bought a large bag of tortillas from the grocery store and a few cheap cans of refried beans. Cost will be under 5 bones. Head inside the mini mart and talk to the long hair working the counter and ask him if it is okay to use the microwave. Most of the time they are cool with it. So you bounce to the microwave and put in your burritos that you previously built, while sitting in the back seat of your Suburu. Perfecto, a minute and a half and you have dinner.

Beverages: Make sure to grab a tall boy or a nice hot cup of coffee. You want to patronize the place, so next time you roll through, they are cool with you. Hit up the bathrooms and be on your way. Don’t forget to say “Thank you.”

'Bumming it’ is an art perfected by few, and desired by many. Work hard at it and you can ski year round. Stay tuned for future bum tricks to help you through this next winter of Freeheel competitions and Deep Pow sessions.

Contributed by Granola Bob

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