I first met JT last season at the Outdoor Retailer show at the Brighton Demo day. He is one of those guys that just rips and you hear stories about. He threw down hard in the Freeski comps last year as well, putting Lincoln loops and huge flips into his lines. Keep your ears and eyes open cause he’s coming.
Age: | 24 |
Full Name: | J.T. Robinson |
Hot Girls: | I’m a big supporter of dark hair and dark eyes. I’ve been photographed in the tabloids mingling with dark haired beauties Salma Hayek, Christine Johnson, Katie Holmes, among others. I’m the real reason Jenn didn’t need Brad anymore. Sorry Brad. |
Favorite Line/Park: | 3The next line, I’ve got all these ideas bouncing around in my helmet. |
Drink: | I’ve got a little CAPTAIN in me. |
Years ‘Heelin’: | I’ve been an enlightened soul for three winters now. |
Best Result ’04-’05 Season: | 6th place, Crested Butte Telemark Freeskiing Championships, shout out to Dylan for giving me a bed to crash in. |
Hero: | Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi, Rafael Palmeiro, you know, all those positive role models. |
Favorite Movie: | Tough Guy Productions’ new movie, “Sessions”, check it out! |
Plans for the season: | Rip some deep, drop some rocks, live some life. |
Car: | 1993 Jeep Cherokee, “The JEEPSTAR” if the jeepstar is a rockin, you better come help me cause I’m probably bouncing off the windows from driving for days. |
Sponsor shout outs!: | Descente DNA, Bomber Industries. |
Anything else we should know?: | American public beware, it has been reported that the rebel DNA army has been plotting resort invasions for the last six months, and could strike anywhere, at anytime this winter. Resorts should open all backcountry gates and limit lift lines to avoid conflicts. A state of orange alert should be maintained. |
Contributed by Josh Madsen