January 16, 2006

The FHL office in Salt Lake City, Utah is getting pounded by some light fluffy powder right now, so we hope that the wealth finds all of you across the globe as well. Thanks for stopping by this week to check out all of the freshest content on the Freeheel Scene. Enjoy!
Thanks! – The FHL Crew
  • New England Telemark and Freeheellife.com announce that they have decided to partner up. FHL will be directly linked to all of the most up to date news from the East Coast including NET events & competitions. FHL Founder Josh Madsen expressed his excitement by saying, “The East Coast has been an important part of the Telemark community during the last 20 years. FHL is extremely excited to be on board as the NET’s sponsor site to help spread the word about freeheel skiing to all of those in the New England Area and beyond.” Check out more on NET at www.netelemark.com
  • The Levitation Project a new 16mm film project based on the Wasatch Mountains of Utah and the snowboard, Alpine & Freeheel Athletes that live there, just completed their Level One Avalanche Course together as a team. Sarah Clemensen, Josh Madsen & Dylan Crossman are representing the freeheel skiers in TLP and expressed how stoked they are to be part of something like this, that represents a community of ALL snow riders.
  • Freeheellife.com Announces NEW FHL Media TEAM: In addition to sponsoring a Pro and AM Team of athletes, Freeheellife.com has created a team of photographers and a videographer to help maintain a fresh visual of What is really going on in the freeheel world. Second Long Photography (Jon Gurry & Paul Story) will be our FHL house photographers and Andy Cantor will be on the camera and editing table helping us bring you some short edits and other video projects to keep this the site that you want to come back to everyday. WELCOME GUYS!!!!
  • BJ Brewer and Molly Douma began there TELE kids program this week at Alta Ski resort. Providing the opportunity for underprivileged kids to learn how to freeheel ski. This is an amazing program that you can find out more about at: www.marmot.com/support/groups.php?id=42
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