FHL Team Profile: Erin Young

Erin is one of those amazing people that you come across in the world. She is continually pushing the limits of what freeheel girls can do and is changing pre conceived notions of what can be done. She is an incredible addition to the FHL Team and we wish her all the best this season!

Age: 19
Years Heelin': 12
Your inspiration for what you do: The revolution leader and the elusive perfect powder run
Park, Big Mountain, or Touring: Manage a trois
Best Result last Season: 5th US Telemark Extreme Freeskiing Championship and others
Plans for this season: Siver Young Gun Open, Queens Cup Open, US Telemark Extreme Freeskiing Championship
Interests: I like dancing in the rain and long walks on the beach with men who resemble Calvin Klein underwear models.
Favorite place to be: in bed past 6 am
Off-Hill activities: It pleases me to eat mac & cheese, play the sax-a-ma-phone, and read Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato.
Sponsor shout outs: FlyLow Gear, Bomber Bindings, Smith Optics, Garmont Boots


Contributed by Josh Madsen 

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