December 19, 2005

The holidays are upon us and the season is off to a great start. The FHL Staff wishes you all a great holiday season, in which ever way you choose to celebrate. We hope that you find yourself neck deep in POW, enjoying a new backcountry route, or killing an urban rail.

The Freeheel world is a beautiful place and it can be enjoyed by so many different types of people. We hope that as we head into the New Year, we can all embrace the positive community that Telemark skiers around the world have created. Cheers!

This week we bring you a little Music Check! Also read a little more about Loveland ski area, a hot spot for Freeheel skiers in Colorado.
Fly Low Clothing presents PWO5!

Fly Low Clothing will be presenting a showing of PW05 during the Outdoor Retailer show in Salt Lake City.

When: January 29th, 2006 Outdoor Retailer Trade Show @ 4pm
Where: Booth #5310
What: Free Drinks, Big Screen, All the essentials!
Thanks! – The FHL Crew

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